Advanced Professional Therapy




In accordance with the Florida department of health's guidelines, we request that if you are experiencing coronavirus symptoms such as fever along with a cough and shortness of breath, or if you have traveled on a cruise or to regions with known coronavirus outbreaks or been in contact with someone that has or someone that is experiencing a fever along with a cough, and difficulty breathing, please do not come into the office, instead call us and schedule a telehealth appointment.

De acuerdo con las guia del departamento de salud de Florida, solicitamos que si usted está experimentando síntomas de coronavirus como fiebre junto con una tos y dificultad para respirar, o si ha viajado en un crucero o a regiones con brotes de coronavirus o ha estado en contacto con alguien que tiene o alguien que está experimentando fiebre junto con una tos, y dificultad para respirar, por favor de no venir a nuestra oficina, en vez llámenos y programe una cita de telesalud.

Telehealth Appointment